Thursday, March 29, 2012

Self-evaluation and Reflecion

<> March 31, 2012
Memories from Yesterday

I choose the poem written by Edna St. Vincent Millay’s "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why." because it is sonnet with a rhyme scheme of abbaabba cdecde. I am also proud myself to learn more about this poem because human being are identified in some way with this subject matter.  The speaker’s reminiscences of the numerous love affairs of her younger days and her regret that such lovers were moments of days past that will not be repeated.

I learned many literary terms such as:
  • Speaker. The speaker is the personality who "says" the words from which the poem is delivered, it is not the author.
  • Form.  A poem can be structured by the number of stanzas, the lines per stanza, the beats per line, and the rhyme scheme.
  • Theme. It is the most important part of a poem, because this is the thesis, so we can understand the main idea of the poem.
  • Metaphor.  It is a statement that one thing is something else. 
It is also very clear to know about plagiarism that is stole ideas, assignments, or reports from other people. 
In addition, I have learned about acknowledging sources: Is important to know how to start an essay.  A essay have three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • Types of introductory:

      1. Millay explains,
      2. As Millay explains, (in both cases the comma goes after the verb)
      3. Millay explains that...
      4. In her poem "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why," Millay points out...
      5. According to Millay, lovers were very important in her life...
  • In the text: when summarizing, paraphrasing, and/or quoting the source, put the author's name or the title of the piece in an introductory phrase and the page number in the parenthesis at the end of the summary/paraphrase/quote. It is the easy way to use.

  • In the Works Cited: we have to use the Modern Language Association (MLA), and we refer to the source, we have to use the first item on the works cited entry.

  • My experience working with my house members was very interesting because all of us have different opinions about the poem written by Emily Dickinson's "I felt a Funeral..." but when we are talking each other, we understood the meaning of this poem.  So, working as a team is good, because we can build many ideas and at the end everyone agree. However, I like to work independent because I can concentrate myself and have the responsibility to get my work done on time.

    What  I learned from reading my House mates' blogs is that not everyone has done.  I evaluated at 10:45 am, and I couldn't find all house mate's blogs finished. However, some blogs of my house's mates are very nice, they followed instructions,and  some  blogs are not.  I am sorry if I am wrong because I am not perfect either, but I think that I followed instructions of my professor Dr. Ximena.

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] (1923)

    Monday, March 19, 2012

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] (1923)
    In this blog, I choose the poem [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] written by Edna St. Vicent Millay, which was published  in 1923, because when we are young we have many lovers, but when we are old no one is around us.  This poem has 14 lines. It speaks about memories.

    This poem:

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] describes memories that people come and gone from our lives. When people are young enjoy everything, especially love. However, the time flies and our lives fly too.  So, the life brings happiness at the beginning, but the life brings sadness at the end.
    What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have forgotten, and what arms have lain Under my head till morning; (line 1-3).  but the rain,  Is full of ghosts tonigh, that tap and sigh Upon the glass and listen for reply, And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain, for unremembered lads that not again  Will turn to me at midnight with a cry (line4- 8).  Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,  Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one, Yet knows it boughs more silent than before:  I cannot say what loves have come and gone,  I only know that summer sang in me  A little while, that in me sings no more. (line 9-14).

        The form of [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why], is sonnet, however, sonnet poem speak about love.  I am sure that she enjoyed her life during her young. However, she feels alone and sad, due changes in her life.
    This poem can be represented as:  

    • Rain, winter, birds have gone/ sad life
    • Summer/ good times, enjoy, hapiness, in love,  warmth
    • Lonely/ past lovers, herself
    • heart in quiet pain/ memories
    • unremembered/ what lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    since feeling is first

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    since feeling is first

    since feeling is first
    who pays any attention
    to the syntax of things
    will never wholly kiss you;

    wholly to be a fool
    while Spring is in the world

    my blood approves,
    and kisses are a better fate
    than wisdom
    lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
    - the best gesture of my brain is less than
    your eyelids' flutter which says

    we are for each other; then
    laugh, leaning back in my arms
    for life's not a paragraph
    And death i think is no parenthesis
    e. e. Cummings

         This poem is made simple structure and easy to read.  Each paragraph has different meaning, but it has his transition with each other paragraph. E. E. Cummings' poem "since feeling is first" is a poem which shows how emotions dictate people's actions.

         The poem implies that to follow one's heart is better than following one's mind. The poem states that it is better to be a fool, or to live by emotions while one is young. Emotion comes before thought. Cummings is creating a link between both words. Spring is a season in the year where everything starts to blossom and has always been related to youth.  The last line of the poem is showing that death is something that should not be ignored in life, and that thought is important even with the domination of feeling.
         Cummings enhances these themes by using the literary elements of romantic tone,and the same time ironic.  Life is short, death is final, take chances in life, love.
         Here a video where Cummings says "the best gesture of my brain is less than your eyelids' flutter" (line 11-2). He means that the small gesture is so much more important than any thought ever produced in his mind.

    If someone feel love for us, then we are very fortunate.

    I want to send this blog to my cousin because she is in love, However, she doesn't think that when someone is in love, we can enjoy this wonderful time. It doesn't matter what could happen in the future.

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Wednesday, March 07, 2012

    Rose means love and pure
                    Today we are doing our first flog.  So, our teacher, Dr. Gallardo is teaching us how to create a blog and we are also working with a ‘ROSE’ written by Ferber.

                   Here is my first paragraph about ROSE
    Almost any flower can represent a girl, but the rose has always stood
    for the most beautiful, the most beloved – in many languages “Rose”
    remains a popular given name – and often for one who is notably young,
    vulnerable, and virginal. Shakespeare’s Laertes, when he sees his sister
    Ophelia in her madness, cries “O Rose of May!” (Hamlet 4.5.158), bringing
    out not only her uniqueness but the blighting of her brief life.
                    Rose means different things, but the rose represents love and pure. A rose can be compared with a woman because women are very delicate. So, if a rose is very take care of for people, women should be very take care of for men. So, if a rose has a good look, it is more appreciated. Same as a woman, a woman is loved during her life, she can look at her appearance the fullness of life, always feel younger, smiling all the time, and enjoy her life.  This passage would be similar to the poem "The Miller's Daughter" by Alfred Tennyson. This poem represents how a girl is very pure and delicate. 
                This image of this ROSE can represent many meaning as is described by Ferber. 
    • Spring coming soon, and Summer smiles
    • wine, perfume, color, and delicate.
    • beautiful and freshes
    • happiness, love, and passion
    • young, vulnerability and virginity.
    • brightness, joys, rejoice.
    • thanks, regreat, and charity.
    • In contrast, rose is death, suffering, and silent

              In term of tone, Rose could symbolize many things.  We are living in a world plenty of cultures, so everyone can have different opinions.  However, rose is compared with the most beautiful things. Rose also is similar as a woman.