Friday, March 9, 2012

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Rose means love and pure
                Today we are doing our first flog.  So, our teacher, Dr. Gallardo is teaching us how to create a blog and we are also working with a ‘ROSE’ written by Ferber.

               Here is my first paragraph about ROSE
Almost any flower can represent a girl, but the rose has always stood
for the most beautiful, the most beloved – in many languages “Rose”
remains a popular given name – and often for one who is notably young,
vulnerable, and virginal. Shakespeare’s Laertes, when he sees his sister
Ophelia in her madness, cries “O Rose of May!” (Hamlet 4.5.158), bringing
out not only her uniqueness but the blighting of her brief life.
                Rose means different things, but the rose represents love and pure. A rose can be compared with a woman because women are very delicate. So, if a rose is very take care of for people, women should be very take care of for men. So, if a rose has a good look, it is more appreciated. Same as a woman, a woman is loved during her life, she can look at her appearance the fullness of life, always feel younger, smiling all the time, and enjoy her life.  This passage would be similar to the poem "The Miller's Daughter" by Alfred Tennyson. This poem represents how a girl is very pure and delicate. 
            This image of this ROSE can represent many meaning as is described by Ferber. 
  • Spring coming soon, and Summer smiles
  • wine, perfume, color, and delicate.
  • beautiful and freshes
  • happiness, love, and passion
  • young, vulnerability and virginity.
  • brightness, joys, rejoice.
  • thanks, regreat, and charity.
  • In contrast, rose is death, suffering, and silent

          In term of tone, Rose could symbolize many things.  We are living in a world plenty of cultures, so everyone can have different opinions.  However, rose is compared with the most beautiful things. Rose also is similar as a woman.


  1. Very nice. I wonder why there is so much space at the end of the post. ??

  2. Not bad, but you are missing the citation...
