Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog 10 Self-evaluation and Reflection

 Reflection about slavery.

Well, I liked to work doing narrative essays, especially when I learned in Kindred written by Octavia Butler about slavery in United States.  It was a very sad history where people were treated as animals just because they had different color (Black people). For some reasons, I am identified with discrimination like Black was and is.  I am Latino, and sometimes I can observe that people like us, we are not treated in the same way than others as Whites or wealthy people. However, I am proud to be what am I because in this world, still exist ignorant people that they believe than they are more important just for their color.

What I have learned about writing about narrative from the activities I have done so far. Kindred: slavery as a system of control. Whites always had laws that protect them to have slaves in their favor. As examples, slaves didn’t have any education, especially reading and writing, so they lived ignorant, and Whites also thought if they had education, slaves easily could escape because they could read and write passes or free slavers documents by themselves. Slaves were forced to work hard labor for no money, their life was the plantation, slaves work 16 hours per day, and they physically and mentally were shakiness with no money, no property, and no hope. Slaves were sold any time, because Whites broken up families. Slaves always feel alone with no freedom. Whites always treated or punishment, those who slaves loved.

What I have learned about my classmates’ blogs is that everyone for some reasons likes Kindred because they feel sadness to know how White people could be so cruelty treated other people in this case Black people, only based on race, class, and gender.

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting way of looking at it: Discrimination based on external features such as skin color is pure nonsense--but a powerful way to keep certain people in charge...

    Thanks for the thoughtful reflection!
