Friday, June 8, 2012

Class Reflection

Blog 15

Friday, June 8, 2012
I reviewed one more time my blog entries, and I like what I have done.  I tried to use what I have learned at LaGuardia Community College, especially in my ENG 102 class.   First, my blog entries are very formal writing.   It is very organized, and with a little difference about their length and font.  However, I still have problems with the structure sentence, which I am working hard to write better.   All my blog entries are described about poetry, narrative, and drama that I learned from the books selected from this class and ideas, experiences, and opinions of myself.    

It was very interesting read and writes a lot of because we can learn many things such as who is the speaker, who is the author, and who are the characters.  I also learned about citation in a book, work cited, and the most important thing understands what the main idea in the books is.

It was the first time that I have had a class writing online, and it was a great experience.   Today’s technology allows us to learn more through writing and reading online.  So, I thank my professor Dr. Ximena Gallardo that has an excellent idea to have her students connected with the world of the technology through her class.  I can also improve my writing ability because Microsoft Word help me a lot of my grammar mistakes, and I can fix it.  In addition, I can be connected with my classmates’ activities and read and learn more about them and vice versa. Thank Dr. Gallardo once again, and thank classmates for sharing our time together.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Self-evaluation and Reflection

Blog 14


After I watched the movie Much Ado about Nothing, I could understand the meaning of the death and rebirth.  As a human being, I make many mistakes, but I am trying not to do again.  We learn from the mistakes, but sometimes are too late. As an example, Claudio loves Hero, but John who plays as villain tries to end with their relation. So, Claudio believes in John.   Claudio makes tremendous damage to Hero who supposed loves unconditionally.   Claudio believes she is death, and unfortunately, he is resent from his mistakes.  Rebirth means to give another chance to our lives.  In this case, Claudio has another change to be happy with a woman who really loves, because Hero was only hiding to give a lesson to Claudio. When we have someone who really loves, we need to have a good communication.  It is important to talk to each other, because this is the only way that we can know about us.

What I have learned writing about drama is to understand the means of the content, but let me says that it is hard.  I read the book, but I can understand only the translation and I understand also when I watched the film version of Much Ado about Nothing.  I like the characters Benedick and Beatrice because many people can be identified with them.  There are many couples that never seem their dreams to come true for being selfish and give them the opportunity to express their feelings to each other. So, this movie Much Ado about Nothing written by Shakespeare gives us an idea of how people could be, and to live with and without love.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

“Man is a giddy thing”

Blog 13

In Shakespeare “Man is a giddy thing” means that a man can  change his mind about being married. It plays clearly focuses on the conflict between reason and emotion. Benedick’s character is a complete contradiction to that of Claudio.  Benedick is playful with the ladies and shows off an arrogant side.  Benedick hides most of his emotions. According to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus “giddy” is having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to fall.  It is also not to be serious and frivolous. So, Benedick  had  a strong link with Beatrice, however, he didn't accept at the beginning. 

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey, nonny nonny.

The lyrics of this song moves back and forth between the stories of the couples, Benedick and Beatrice, Claudio and Hero putting them into a union. Shakespeare  explores our desire to desperately search for love, along with our terror and fear from loneliness to accept that love.  
The idea of “man” as “a giddy thing” reflects the comedic spirit of the play.  Claudio,  plays as a man fell in love from a beautiful women, Hero. However, he was traitor,and he changes his feelings for Hero. At the end, Claudio becomes an in love man.  Benedick, who doesn't show any emotions, later he shows his true love for Beatrice.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Claudio and Hero

Blog 12

Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado About Nothing, in 4.1. Read Friar advices to Leonato and Hero to use the images of death and rebirth. So, Hero’s “death” brings to Claudio think in different way because he insulted to Hero in front of people and now he feels guilt for Hero’s death.  According to Shakespeare, Friar Frances’ advice, Hero couldn’t live with such false accusation and died.  So, Hero’s Death bring into Claudio’s love to react about values.  We don’t value the things and love we have until we lose them. However, sometimes life give us a second change, and all the virtues we were blind can recover. Hero’s “death” brings new life to her reputation after to know that adultery made against her was discovered. Don John tried to impede that Hero and Claudio get married, trying to involve to Margaret with alliance of Conrade and Borachio to damage the pure image of Hero. So, Hero’s “death” turns the tragic ending of the wedding into a happy ending when she appears as Leonato’s niece, as exact copy of her Leonato daughter, and as the same Hero forgiving Claudio’s accusations, and Claudio pricing his second change to be happy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Men dominated Shakespeare’s society

Blog 11

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Men dominated Shakespeare's society
From Richard III pt. 1

In Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare emphasizes that Claudio, Don Pedro, Benedick, and Leonato see a woman with plenty of virtues, such as purity, noble, kind, and property of them. When a woman get married, women looked to their husbands. A woman's role is to taking care her family and dedicate her time to domestic activities. A man usually brings support economic and he is the king of the house. 
In fact, Hero is inhibited by the male-dominated society in which she lives. She is treated as a toy because men do what they want.  Men take possesion of a woman at their convenience.  She is easily courted and won by Don Pedro posing as Claudio.  She is just as easily seen as a woman in adultery when Don John used Borachio and Conrade to hurt her.
 Despite the influence of the more modern Beatrice, the “merry war” with Benedick may showcase her character to best advantage, but it is clear from the first scene of the play that Beatrice does not easily submit to the commands or beliefs of any man.  She is a woman who spoke up for herself was a “curst” shrew and needed taming. At that time,  she wouldn’t able to keep on resisting men’s attempts to control all her actions because the society didn’t allow, always that men was the king and the women the queen who always was under man’s supervision.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog 10 Self-evaluation and Reflection

 Reflection about slavery.

Well, I liked to work doing narrative essays, especially when I learned in Kindred written by Octavia Butler about slavery in United States.  It was a very sad history where people were treated as animals just because they had different color (Black people). For some reasons, I am identified with discrimination like Black was and is.  I am Latino, and sometimes I can observe that people like us, we are not treated in the same way than others as Whites or wealthy people. However, I am proud to be what am I because in this world, still exist ignorant people that they believe than they are more important just for their color.

What I have learned about writing about narrative from the activities I have done so far. Kindred: slavery as a system of control. Whites always had laws that protect them to have slaves in their favor. As examples, slaves didn’t have any education, especially reading and writing, so they lived ignorant, and Whites also thought if they had education, slaves easily could escape because they could read and write passes or free slavers documents by themselves. Slaves were forced to work hard labor for no money, their life was the plantation, slaves work 16 hours per day, and they physically and mentally were shakiness with no money, no property, and no hope. Slaves were sold any time, because Whites broken up families. Slaves always feel alone with no freedom. Whites always treated or punishment, those who slaves loved.

What I have learned about my classmates’ blogs is that everyone for some reasons likes Kindred because they feel sadness to know how White people could be so cruelty treated other people in this case Black people, only based on race, class, and gender.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sarah, Alice, and Dana

1830s Women slavery
Dana was segregated when she travels back of time of slavery. She was not called by her name; she was named nigger by her master and by some of her own race. According to Butler states that when Dana is seen Kevin by her employer, he makes offensive comments about the two creating “chocolate and vanilla porn!”(56). Dana is forced to suffer constant exploitation in both worlds, causing her freedom and respect.

Alice was beat, raped, and mentally and psychologically exploited and degraded by her master Rufus. Alice was willing to do anything for being her children free.  She also couldn’t stay with the man who really loved, because her master Rufus had a sickness emotional love for her. However, she couldn’t live any more these punishment and she was hanging by herself, after she tried to run away with her children, and Rufus took away her children.

Butler tells that “Weylin known just how far to push Sarah” (169). Her master Weylin had sold her three lovely children, but still Sarah has Carrie who Weylin left her.  Sarah lives for and protects Carrie. Sarah also was beat, and she was the “Mammy” of the house.

The most heroic in my view is Dana because she was discriminated based on race, class, and gender that still exist in our society today. Dana is isolate in society due to her social standing in the two time periods that she travels.  When she went back in the antebellum South, she was acting, but when she was beat, whipped, and worked hard, she discovered it was beginning to feel natural to her.  In her own time, she is degraded on the basis of her occupation as a writer, her second job as a “slave factory”, and also because she was married with white man.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

“The Storm,” “The Rope,” and “Epilogue”

Kevin and Dana
 Kindred. Published in 1979.

In “Kindred” Octavia Butler states that Kevin was longer than Dana because Kevin wanted to live more real situations than Dana’s ancestors lived. It prolonged stay affects Kevin in many ways like he could't see the situations lived at that time, same as Dana saw, Kevin saw more natural when whites treated black people as slavers. Kevin acted as Dana master, Kevin sometimes was forced to treat Dana in ways he would not normally treat her because Dana's and Kevin's races was that it was illegal for them to be married in the slavery times. They usually had to hide this from whites for keeping Dana in safe.

When Kevin came back together with Dana from their travel, Dana unfortunately discovered that his lovely husband Kevin had similarities between her cruelty ancestors, Rufus.  Both of them were whites, which it was a big advantage at that time.  White’s males had power in slavery times.  Also, Kevin and Rufus spoke with strong southern accents. Both Kevin and Rufus cared for Dana in different way, Rufus’s love for Dana was expressed more after Alice’s death, but his love was only for satisfy his desires by force. Rufus always considered Dana lower class than him.  In contrast, Kevin, Dana’s husband would never attempt to force Dana into anything. According to Butler, Dana said “He was so careful, so fearful of hurting me” (190).  Dana offered, but Kevin at the beginning refused because he was scared Dana will be hurt more than she already was. Also, Kevin always considered Dana an equal of him. This alteration isn't symbol of changes because today's human being always are trying to hurt between them.  So, only people who grown up with values know how to treat and have compassion for others.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tom Weylin and Rufus Weylin

Tom Weylin was a cruel man who punished his slaves for insignificant things, but at the same time he took care of them because slaves were a big investment for him. Tom was plenty of fairness, he was uneducated and he didn’t know what was happened outside of his plantation, so he always kept only in his world. Tom was a man who didn’t have feeling for his slaves; he beat them violently, and rape women as it was a right. He never showed love for his own son Rufus. 
whip used to punish slaves
Rufus Weylin while older he got, he was worse.  He was crueler than his father because he knows that rape a black woman was not right and he did as many times as he wanted.  He also was unhappy and drunk man who couldn’t see happy people like Alice who was married with Isaac. They were captured when they runaway.  He brought Alice, and he  paid twice that other buyers offered for her, only because he wanted her for only one purpose rape, beat, give children, and see her unhappy. Isaac was sold and was cut his ears from his own hands.
Dana’s influence on the young Rufus never was useful because Dana also was abused physically, mentally and morally. Rufus used other people to punish other slaves as he did with Dana. Dana was whipped, smacked, and insulted as other slaves were.  She was other slave more; Rufus never thanked her when she saved his life many times.       

Friday, April 20, 2012




 In "Kindred," Octavia E. Butler tells that slavers' experience are full of terror and pain. As a example, Sarah the cook, apparently looked strong, but unfortunately she was humiliated. She was  a lonely black woman in a household. She had to confront the rest of her life with people who sold her three lovely children and she had to remember everyday that she lost her part of her life forever. She couldn't make any claim for fair to loose her unique lovely daughter left, Carrie.  So, she had to be a good slave with her white masters. Instead of masters thank her for  her service, they paid back with pain, punishments, and hard work.
I also find that Dana was involved in a moral trap in the sexual exploitation, which she had to convince Alice to go to bed with Rufus. Unfortunately, Dana couldn't reject Rufus order because Alice could be hurt twice. She could have been beat, and also rape by Rufus. So, white always did wherever they want, it didn't matter how many people could be hurt. Masters were unemotional, isolated, pathetic, and alien. Despite the severe stresses under which slaves live, the slaves constitute a rich human society.
Unfortunately, in every country in the world, there is  oppression for any group that does not fit in with the majority, or it has caused to be look down on by our own race.   In some places, if you appearance is good people treat you with courtesy and the people are very friendly. If you are not just the opposite occurs.  I think we can teach our children to not be prejudiced based on a person’s skin color.  It hurts to know that it comes from previous generation is being slowly poisoned.

Monday, April 16, 2012


April 16, 2012

House slaves were better than field slaves.  House slaves had better food, garments.  However, it depended how good their master were.  Usually, masters were miserable and without feeling forward slaves.  Slaves used to live like animals.  Their bodies smell bad because they didn’t take shower or dressing every day.  Sometimes, slaves didn’t have anything to eat, or maybe something that their masters gave them.  Some masters preferred throw food or spit in all the rest of food to make sure that slaves could not take it.  Slaves always were exposed to listen between them whims and desires; house slaves were inhabited between various families. Slaves sleep on the ground, or with old rugs.  When it was summer their odor were stronger than winter.The environment was stinking, but slaves were accustomed. When slaves were working for many years and were good workers, master always used to say them than they will be free before their master died.  It never happened.  Slaves who were hard workers also lived close to their masters, and were treated better than others slaves.    Slaves usually lived in deplorable conditions, but slaves couldn’t do anything for improving because only masters have decisions the way that slaves have to live.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Self-evaluation and Reflecion

<> March 31, 2012
Memories from Yesterday

I choose the poem written by Edna St. Vincent Millay’s "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why." because it is sonnet with a rhyme scheme of abbaabba cdecde. I am also proud myself to learn more about this poem because human being are identified in some way with this subject matter.  The speaker’s reminiscences of the numerous love affairs of her younger days and her regret that such lovers were moments of days past that will not be repeated.

I learned many literary terms such as:
  • Speaker. The speaker is the personality who "says" the words from which the poem is delivered, it is not the author.
  • Form.  A poem can be structured by the number of stanzas, the lines per stanza, the beats per line, and the rhyme scheme.
  • Theme. It is the most important part of a poem, because this is the thesis, so we can understand the main idea of the poem.
  • Metaphor.  It is a statement that one thing is something else. 
It is also very clear to know about plagiarism that is stole ideas, assignments, or reports from other people. 
In addition, I have learned about acknowledging sources: Is important to know how to start an essay.  A essay have three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • Types of introductory:

      1. Millay explains,
      2. As Millay explains, (in both cases the comma goes after the verb)
      3. Millay explains that...
      4. In her poem "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why," Millay points out...
      5. According to Millay, lovers were very important in her life...
  • In the text: when summarizing, paraphrasing, and/or quoting the source, put the author's name or the title of the piece in an introductory phrase and the page number in the parenthesis at the end of the summary/paraphrase/quote. It is the easy way to use.

  • In the Works Cited: we have to use the Modern Language Association (MLA), and we refer to the source, we have to use the first item on the works cited entry.

  • My experience working with my house members was very interesting because all of us have different opinions about the poem written by Emily Dickinson's "I felt a Funeral..." but when we are talking each other, we understood the meaning of this poem.  So, working as a team is good, because we can build many ideas and at the end everyone agree. However, I like to work independent because I can concentrate myself and have the responsibility to get my work done on time.

    What  I learned from reading my House mates' blogs is that not everyone has done.  I evaluated at 10:45 am, and I couldn't find all house mate's blogs finished. However, some blogs of my house's mates are very nice, they followed instructions,and  some  blogs are not.  I am sorry if I am wrong because I am not perfect either, but I think that I followed instructions of my professor Dr. Ximena.

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] (1923)

    Monday, March 19, 2012

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] (1923)
    In this blog, I choose the poem [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] written by Edna St. Vicent Millay, which was published  in 1923, because when we are young we have many lovers, but when we are old no one is around us.  This poem has 14 lines. It speaks about memories.

    This poem:

    [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] describes memories that people come and gone from our lives. When people are young enjoy everything, especially love. However, the time flies and our lives fly too.  So, the life brings happiness at the beginning, but the life brings sadness at the end.
    What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have forgotten, and what arms have lain Under my head till morning; (line 1-3).  but the rain,  Is full of ghosts tonigh, that tap and sigh Upon the glass and listen for reply, And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain, for unremembered lads that not again  Will turn to me at midnight with a cry (line4- 8).  Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,  Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one, Yet knows it boughs more silent than before:  I cannot say what loves have come and gone,  I only know that summer sang in me  A little while, that in me sings no more. (line 9-14).

        The form of [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why], is sonnet, however, sonnet poem speak about love.  I am sure that she enjoyed her life during her young. However, she feels alone and sad, due changes in her life.
    This poem can be represented as:  

    • Rain, winter, birds have gone/ sad life
    • Summer/ good times, enjoy, hapiness, in love,  warmth
    • Lonely/ past lovers, herself
    • heart in quiet pain/ memories
    • unremembered/ what lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    since feeling is first

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    since feeling is first

    since feeling is first
    who pays any attention
    to the syntax of things
    will never wholly kiss you;

    wholly to be a fool
    while Spring is in the world

    my blood approves,
    and kisses are a better fate
    than wisdom
    lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
    - the best gesture of my brain is less than
    your eyelids' flutter which says

    we are for each other; then
    laugh, leaning back in my arms
    for life's not a paragraph
    And death i think is no parenthesis
    e. e. Cummings

         This poem is made simple structure and easy to read.  Each paragraph has different meaning, but it has his transition with each other paragraph. E. E. Cummings' poem "since feeling is first" is a poem which shows how emotions dictate people's actions.

         The poem implies that to follow one's heart is better than following one's mind. The poem states that it is better to be a fool, or to live by emotions while one is young. Emotion comes before thought. Cummings is creating a link between both words. Spring is a season in the year where everything starts to blossom and has always been related to youth.  The last line of the poem is showing that death is something that should not be ignored in life, and that thought is important even with the domination of feeling.
         Cummings enhances these themes by using the literary elements of romantic tone,and the same time ironic.  Life is short, death is final, take chances in life, love.
         Here a video where Cummings says "the best gesture of my brain is less than your eyelids' flutter" (line 11-2). He means that the small gesture is so much more important than any thought ever produced in his mind.

    If someone feel love for us, then we are very fortunate.

    I want to send this blog to my cousin because she is in love, However, she doesn't think that when someone is in love, we can enjoy this wonderful time. It doesn't matter what could happen in the future.

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Wednesday, March 07, 2012

    Rose means love and pure
                    Today we are doing our first flog.  So, our teacher, Dr. Gallardo is teaching us how to create a blog and we are also working with a ‘ROSE’ written by Ferber.

                   Here is my first paragraph about ROSE
    Almost any flower can represent a girl, but the rose has always stood
    for the most beautiful, the most beloved – in many languages “Rose”
    remains a popular given name – and often for one who is notably young,
    vulnerable, and virginal. Shakespeare’s Laertes, when he sees his sister
    Ophelia in her madness, cries “O Rose of May!” (Hamlet 4.5.158), bringing
    out not only her uniqueness but the blighting of her brief life.
                    Rose means different things, but the rose represents love and pure. A rose can be compared with a woman because women are very delicate. So, if a rose is very take care of for people, women should be very take care of for men. So, if a rose has a good look, it is more appreciated. Same as a woman, a woman is loved during her life, she can look at her appearance the fullness of life, always feel younger, smiling all the time, and enjoy her life.  This passage would be similar to the poem "The Miller's Daughter" by Alfred Tennyson. This poem represents how a girl is very pure and delicate. 
                This image of this ROSE can represent many meaning as is described by Ferber. 
    • Spring coming soon, and Summer smiles
    • wine, perfume, color, and delicate.
    • beautiful and freshes
    • happiness, love, and passion
    • young, vulnerability and virginity.
    • brightness, joys, rejoice.
    • thanks, regreat, and charity.
    • In contrast, rose is death, suffering, and silent

              In term of tone, Rose could symbolize many things.  We are living in a world plenty of cultures, so everyone can have different opinions.  However, rose is compared with the most beautiful things. Rose also is similar as a woman.